The SmokeLong Grand Micro Contest 2024 -- Up to Four Entries

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Use this form to enter up to FOUR micros in The SmokeLong Quarterly Grand Micro Contest. If you would like to enter up to two micros, please see the appropriate competition entry form.

In December 2024 SmokeLong Quarterly will publish a double issue, which will include the finalists and winners in this competition alongside our usual flash narratives.   

The Judging

All entries are read anonymously by the SmokeLong editors. You must remove all identifying information from the story document itself. Please make sure you remove your name from the page number heading and the filename as well. Your name should appear ONLY in your cover letter, which the judges will not see.

We make every effort to reply as quickly as possible, even during competitions. This means you will probably receive a reply within two weeks if we have decided to pass on your entries. If we are taking longer than two weeks, be encouraged. This means that at least one of your stories has made it through the first round of judging. Due to the anonymous nature of the judging process we are not able to communicate regarding which micro we are still considering.   

The Guidelines

  • Word Count: 250 words or fewer for each micro (excluding the title). Put all micros in the same document.
  • Languages: English or any other language accompanied by an English translation. The story will be judged on the English text. Exceptionally this year, we are considering previously published work, so please feel free, if you are a translator, to seek out those exceptional micros from around the world--with the author's permission of course. Translator and author will split the prize money equally. 
  • Previously published as well as previously unpublished work will be considered. Please do not indicate where the micro was published if you are entering a published micro. We do our best to read anonymously though we  understand that previously published work might be immediately recognized. If judges know who wrote the piece, those judges will recuse themselves. 
  • The competition is open to anyone 18 years of age or older, but please be aware that you must be able to receive funds through Paypal. 
  • Fiction, non-fiction, and hybrid narratives are considered.
  • The line between prose and poetry is often blurry, but please take into consideration that SmokeLong does not consider poetry. 
  • Please use a legible, dark font. Single-spacing is fine, but double spacing is also nice.
  • Simultaneous submissions are considered, but we ask that you withdraw a single entry immediately if it has been accepted elsewhere. Please send a message to us indicating which micro is no longer available. We will see this message only at the end of the judging process, but at least we will have been informed.
  • Micros published in SmokeLong are not eligible. 
  • Editors on staff at SmokeLong are not eligible
  • Deadline: November 15, 2024 (midnight ET in the US)

The Prizes

       Grand Prize: $1000

       Second Place: $500   

       Third Place: $300   

       Finalists: $100   

       All the above will be published in the December 2024 issue of SmokeLong Quarterly.   

       A long list and a shortlist will be announced. All entrants will receive a response.   

Before You Enter   If you're new to the micro narrative, why not take a few minutes to explore the journals that publish them? You can start with SmokeLong HERE.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.